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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 2nd January 2009, 03:23

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Password kada skinete sve fajlove
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Eto :) pa se mozete okushati igrica je fishe nego fenomenalna.
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by paprichitza 2nd January 2009, 03:25

hvala :cheers:
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 2nd January 2009, 03:25

rhcpfan4ever je trazila ali eto mozda che josh neko hteti :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 2nd January 2009, 03:27

paprichitza wrote:hvala :cheers:

Nema na chemu.

Kada budesh skinula ako ti treba neko objashnjenje kod instalacije. Samo me pitaj ovde.
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by chili_tapper 2nd January 2009, 04:05

fala Charlie.....i na slici...:)...pihihihih....bubach happystars loveshower
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by rhcpfan4ever 2nd January 2009, 04:07

e,super,hvala za link :lol!:
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 15th June 2009, 07:01

da li ima neko igru pa da se takmicimo tj da uploadujemo skorove i tako ...
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by mary*frusciante 15th June 2009, 07:48

E, bas sam danas igrala ovo kod druga... extra stvar :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 15th June 2009, 07:52

downloaduj .... pa da se takmichimo :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by RHCP_MAN 15th June 2009, 08:48

kralju :rock:
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 15th June 2009, 09:06

man imas igricu ? :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by RHCP_MAN 15th June 2009, 09:11

slaba mi je graficka za Guitar Hero pa cepam Frets on Fire
ali dok sam imao Playstation 2 nisam se odvajao od igre :)
- u svakom slucaju cu je skinuti, pa cu pokusati da igram
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 15th June 2009, 09:14

pa da probaj mozda che mochi nekako na minimumu da ti radi :)

probao sam Frets on Fire dobro je ali nije to to ... :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by King_John 19th June 2009, 09:30

Ja imam ovu igricu, i presao sam je nekoliko puta na easy :D. Ne mogu na teze jer sviram na tastaturi. E evo jedan savet. Podesite komande tako da vam tonovi budu na F1, F2, F3, F4 i F5, okidanje zice na desnom ctrl-u, whammy na desnom shift-u, a Start Power na onom dugmicu pored shifta. Namestite, dosta je lakse. Inace, igricu imam instaliranu ali sam nabavio Custom Song Pack tako da nemam standardne pesme vec druge. Ko god hoce da skine ovaj Custom Song Pack neka prvo nabavi sifru da se otkljucaju sve pesme jer kada sa ovim novim pesmama krenete na Carrer(easy mod) prva faza je laka, a posle dolazi druga faza u kojoj su sve pesme od Dragonforce-a(ukucajte na youtube-u dragonforce da vidite kako su im teske pesme) koje sa tastaturom ne mozete da predjete. Ali, za sve one koji su uporni, posle toga KOLIKO SAM JA SHVATIO dolaze RHCP pesme :) Tako da probajte, igrica je odlicna :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 19th June 2009, 09:53

ja sam peresao vise puta na medium sa tastaturom :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by King_John 19th June 2009, 20:33

Svaka cast :)
Under the bridge downtown

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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 19th June 2009, 20:45


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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Rhcpfun 13th July 2009, 09:41

Kolka je velicina igrice?
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Rhcpfun 10th November 2009, 00:13

Samo cu reci wow!! Igrica je daleko premasila moja ocekivanja, znaci odusevljen sam! Mnogo, mnogo bolja Fofa totalno sam se zarazio :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 10th November 2009, 00:24

Da extra samo ne moze se bas porediti sa fofom i on je super samo shto GH ispred njega
zbog grafike i tabova ali samo onih tabova koje rpave obichni ljudi ti kada ubacish neki tab
iz GH u fof on radi potpuno isto samo shto nemash tu shminku sa GHa :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Rhcpfun 10th November 2009, 00:37

Da ne kazem ja Fof je dobar al upravo je grafika ono sto je presudilo kod mene, i naravno to sto mozes da pravis svoj bend i karijera...
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by RHCP_MAN 10th November 2009, 10:56

presao sam na easy =)

sto se tice sviranja Suck My Kiss - nema druge opcije osim da se igra Co-op mod :)
u svakom slucaju, odlicna je igra, ne daje ti da se pomeris od tastature :p

za jedno sat - sat i po imacu World Tour

cheers! jihajiha
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 10th November 2009, 11:18

fan samo moj savet ti je da ne igrash na easy WT to ej smao tri dugmenceta
mozda je teze ali je tri puta zanimljivije na medium :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Nick The Spamlord 10th November 2009, 22:09

Eeee kupio sam od druga gitaru buhaha ooo sad su sve pokretne stvari u sobi zavrsile karijeru :): svidja mi se to sto je kabl 3, 4 metra dugacak :D
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 10th November 2009, 22:47

extra posto si platio >?
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Nick The Spamlord 10th November 2009, 22:49

35 evrova :D al mnogo jako izgleda :)
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Nick The Spamlord
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Yertle The Turtle

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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 10th November 2009, 22:50

pa dobra cena ... daj slike i ako nadjesh josh nekoga da prodaje javi heheh :)
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Nick The Spamlord 10th November 2009, 22:56

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] 95% lici na ovu :)
Nick The Spamlord
Nick The Spamlord
Yertle The Turtle
Yertle The Turtle

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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Charlie`From`Stadium 10th November 2009, 23:01

fina je mada ja ne volim tako te na opasno oshishane :)

evo ove se meni najvise svidja

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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

Post by Rhcpfun 11th November 2009, 08:08

Presao sam igru na medium.

Ali je neverovatno tesko na hard onaj deo sa Metalicom dotle sam stigo i ne mogu dalje...
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Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Empty Re: Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock

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